‘लघुवित्तका ऋणीहरुलाई सरकारको सहुलियत खोई ?’

‘लघुवित्तका ऋणीहरुलाई सरकारको सहुलियत खोई ?’

सुरेश शर्मा

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Laghubitta (Microfinance) is a financial service aimed at low-income individuals or at those who do not have direct access to typical banking services. Microfinance encompasses a number of financial services like micro-credit, micro-lending, micro-insurance, savings and money transfer among others. A microfinance institution (MFI) provides financial services to the communities who cannot offer collateral against the loans they take but have skills and desire to undertake economic activities for generating income and self-employment.

The Laghubitta program is aimed at the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized communities. Laghubitta is a best and suitable option for those who cannot get loans from banks and for those who don't get loan even from the moneylenders. However, on recent times loans were taken and given from Laghubittas to payback the loan and interest of the bank. It is hard to understand why this has happened with the microfinance system.

So, in this episode of Banking Bahas we have talked with Basanta Raj Lamsal, CEO of Vijay Laghubitta on this very issue.

Presenter: Manoj Regmi

Guest: Basanta Raj Lamsal CEO, Vijaya Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.

About Guest

Mr. Basanta Raj Lamsal is Chief Executive Officer in Vijaya Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. He has Master degree in Econmies from Tribhuvan University and in Development Studies from University of Reading. Mr. Lamsal well known as Development Economist & Social Entrepreneur, been involved in the sector for over two decades, over 30 years of development experience including 10 years in international development in Kosovo and Afghanistan, currently working for Vijaya Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha (VLBS) as Chief Executive Officer for more than 6 years.

#laghubitta #loan #interest #VijayLaghubitta #bankingsamachar #bankingbahas #interview #economy #government #subsidy

Presented By: bankingsamachar.com

Furniture Partner: The Furniture Republic

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